Charity is not a materialistic thing abut an obligation to help others in need if Allah has really blessed you.
It is one of the highest forms of capital whose reward is Allah’s blessings and Jannah, so it doesn’t matter at all if those u help appreciate you or not because you don’t do it for people, you do it for Allah.

It's our obligation to develop our motherland Uganda.... I donated 100,000 Royal palm trees to KCCA with a few of my support staff to have them planted along Kampala city roads towards making our city green, clean and beautiful......For God and My Country

Combating Covid-19 from Uganda
Hamis donated 100 Million Shillings Cash of food relief to the Government of Uganda.
He emphasised that all Ugandans should adhere to the guidelines set by The President and Ministry Of Health in the current struggle for survival.
He said that it was not time for worrying about money and loses but for protection of lives and assurance of survival.
He called upon fellow businessmen and other Ugandans to give a helping hand to the government during this hard time.

Purchasing of COVID-19 Vaccines.
In July 2021 donated 530Million for the purchase of COVID-19 Vaccines for all my Staff/employees, tenants and other Ugandans.
All that could be done was to use the available resources and save lives